Skills – Should it be Specialist or Generalist ?

Skills – Should it be Specialist or Generalist ?

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“Is it better to be deep in a specific subject or skills set or to collect broad knowledge and a variety of skills?”

What are the employers looking for. what are the skills?

Although it is crucial for one to follow his/her heart and passion when making the decision in terms of his/her career path, one must also consider the requirements of future employers need and demands when deciding whether to become a generalist or a specialist.

skills generalist v/s specialist

Some people believe that the modern job market is all about specialists. Several business thinkers believe people should focus on a particular section and gain “expert” status in that section to advance in their careers. On the other hand, the consensus among employers might be shifting slightly towards a new appreciation for generalists.

So, what should one choose?


Be a Specialist in your topic

Sure, it’s helpful to have knowledge about various topics, but an in-depth knowledge on one topic is vital as organization often have only a few specialists in different sectors, upon whose expertise the whole of the organization can trust. This allows the specialist to have higher salary and provides more internal power. For example, you might be better placed to negotiate when it comes to implementing new management structures or other such big issues.


Be a Generalist in your skills

While it is important to have a deep understanding about one topic and role, one must also put forward a breadth of skills, especially for a management and/or top position job in that role. For Example: In addition to Specialty in Branding, Advertising or Digital for a marketing professional, she/he must also have good communication skills, must be able to relate to people and manage them, be able to manage budget and/or forecast scenarios, and other such broader skills to reach that position of a specialist with high accountability, responsibilities and higher salaries.


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